Trucking Services

Services that make your supply chain stronger

The Amer­i­can Truck Inc. pro­vides tai­lored freight bro­ker­age ser­vices across the U.S. and Cana­da, seam­less­ly con­nect­ing ship­pers with trust­ed car­ri­ers to move freight effi­cient­ly and cost effec­tive­ly. Whether it’s full truck­load, less-than-truck­load, or spe­cial­ized ship­ments, we ensure smooth trans­porta­tion from ori­gin to des­ti­na­tion.

Ful­ly licensed and bond­ed, we nav­i­gate the com­plex­i­ties of freight logis­tics, opti­miz­ing routes and car­ri­er selec­tion to deliv­er reli­able, on-time ship­ments. Trust us to move your freight with effi­cien­cy and care! 

Our Freight Brokerage Services

Freight brokerage is key to a smooth supply chain. The American Truck Inc. connects shippers with trusted carriers, ensuring seamless transport from pickup to delivery. We handle logistics, optimize routes, and secure reliable transport for cost-effective, on-time shipments. Your freight, our expertise!

Most freight moves in stan­dard 20- or 40-foot con­tain­ers, but spe­cial­ized loads require extra care. The Amer­i­can Truck Inc. con­nects ship­pers with trust­ed car­ri­ers to trans­port stan­dard and over­sized freight effi­cient­ly, includ­ing OOG car­go that may need spe­cial per­mits and escorts. We ensure smooth, com­pli­ant deliv­er­ies every time!

Customized Freight Brokerage Services

Shipping or receiving, The American Truck Inc. connects you with trusted carriers for smooth, on-time delivery.
Freight Bro­ker­age for Out-of-Gauge (OOG) Car­go

OOG car­go requires spe­cial­ized trans­port. The Amer­i­can Truck Inc. con­nects ship­pers with expe­ri­enced car­ri­ers to han­dle over­sized freight safe­ly and effi­cient­ly. We find the right solu­tion for your unique ship­ping needs!

Drayage is essen­tial for trans­port­ing build­ing mate­ri­als like glass, lum­ber, and stone from ports to their next des­ti­na­tion. The Amer­i­can Truck Inc. con­nects ship­pers with reli­able car­ri­ers to ensure smooth, effi­cient freight move­ment, keep­ing con­struc­tion projects on track.