Same Day Delivery

Any size or weight - we delivered it within an hour

Swift Line pro­vides cus­tomized port drayage ser­vices across New York and New Jer­sey, han­dling trans­port from the port to the final des­ti­na­tion or stor­age facil­i­ty and com­plet­ing the last mile.

Ful­ly licensed and bond­ed for drayage ser­vices, Swift Line effi­cient­ly moves con­tain­ers in and out of the region’s ports, har­bors, ware­hous­es, and rail ter­mi­nals.

Our drayagde services

Drayage plays a crucial role in the larger shipping process. Our services include transferring shipping containers from ship decks and securely loading them onto chassis for further transport.

Most con­tain­ers are stan­dard 20- or 40-foot units, and we pro­vide chas­sis for them on a dai­ly rental basis. Some con­tain­ers are “open top,” typ­i­cal­ly for trans­port­ing out-of-gauge goods. Swift Line han­dles these over­sized con­tain­ers, often requir­ing spe­cial per­mits and escorts for safe trans­port.

Customized port drayage services

Whether you are sending or receiving a container, we helps you move it

Out of gauge trans­port

Out of gauge (OOG) car­go exceeds stan­dard ship­ping con­tain­er dimen­sions in length, width, height, or all three. Our expe­ri­enced team ensures the safe trans­port of your OOG freight, han­dling the unique chal­lenges it presents with exper­tise.

Out of gauge (OOG) car­go exceeds stan­dard ship­ping con­tain­er dimen­sions in length, width, height, or all three. Our expe­ri­enced team ensures the safe trans­port of your OOG freight, han­dling the unique chal­lenges it presents with exper­tise.

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