Ready to apply?

Let’s get start­ed

If you want to put your career on the fast track, we offer a 7‑week, tuition-free train­ing pro­gram, where you can learn to become a pro­fes­sion­al Class‑A CDL dri­ver.

Com­plete this form to have a recruiter con­tact you about our oppor­tu­ni­ties.
Which endorse­ments do you cur­rent­ly pos­sess?
Select all that apply
Did you attend or grad­u­ate from a Diesel or Auto­mo­tive Tech­ni­cal pro­gram?

Culture and impact

At The Amer­i­can Truck, we pri­or­i­tize safe­ty and inclusivity—on and off the road. Our diverse work­force and part­ner­ships dri­ve inno­va­tion, enabling us to bet­ter serve cus­tomers.

Questions about career opportunities?