Smart ways to move your freight efficiently

Rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing freight effi­cien­cy for Ship­pers and Car­ri­ers

You need it. We make it happen.


Our car­ri­er net­work cov­ers all your truck­load needs with access to dry vans, refrig­er­at­ed trucks, flatbeds, drop trail­ers, and more.

We con­nect ship­pers with top-tier region­al and nation­al car­ri­ers through a sin­gle point of con­tact. Nego­ti­ate direct­ly through Swift­Line Con­nect.

Leave the details to us. We man­age $4 bil­lion in freight annu­al­ly, deliv­er­ing cost-effi­cient sup­ply chain strate­gies with com­plete vis­i­bil­i­ty and con­trol.

We han­dle urgent freight by ground or air on short notice, includ­ing high-val­ue, high-secu­ri­ty ship­ments requir­ing spe­cial­ized han­dling.

When truck deliv­er­ies aren’t suf­fi­cient, we offer ocean and air trans­porta­tion, along with cross-bor­der cus­toms sup­port.

We help you stay ahead

Swift­line has been at the fore­front of bro­kered trans­porta­tion for over a decade, pio­neer­ing change in the indus­try. As the orig­i­nal dis­rup­tors, we’ve unit­ed sea­soned trans­porta­tion experts with top-tier tech­nol­o­gists to help ship­pers and car­ri­ers move freight with unpar­al­leled effi­cien­cy. Our com­mit­ment to expert ser­vice, vast capac­i­ty, and relent­less inno­va­tion keeps our largest cus­tomers return­ing year after year.

Haul more. Earn more. Save more.

We offer one of the top car­ri­er rewards pro­grams in the indus­try, designed for small and large fleet car­ri­ers as well as own­er-oper­a­tors. With tiered rewards, the more you haul, the more you earn. Enjoy sig­nif­i­cant sav­ings with our fuel card and exclu­sive dis­counts on truck main­te­nance, tires, retail, and more.

Custom solutions for consistently better results, no matter the market.


active ​busi­ness clients
across the coun­try

15 000

miles all over cal­i­for­nia & beyond every day

70 000

fcl & lcl ship­ments ​ ​every year

A choice that makes the difference

Trusted across industries

SwiftLine in the news